Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Enriching the Community

Enriching the Community

  August 27,2010 

Assalamualaikum, Allhamdulillah this is the first time I am posting a comment.

The issue is regarding our community (Alagankulam Jamaath)’s role as a muslim organization addressing islamic issues regionally and internationally.

As our Jamaath has been on existence for centuries and has passed through civilisation and modernisation , unfortunately our mindset and energy has been confined to the very small world of issues only pertaining to very basic issues of the society such as giving monetary fund to few people , discussing of building a ceremonial hall which is endless, conducting ceremonies in the month of Ramadhan, Eidulfitri , eidulAdha and Having yearly family day. This I am not saying is not important, infact it is crucial in the existance of a society.

But we must open our heart and mind that there are larger issue in this world that had to be addressed by our community both as individual and as a community……unfortunately I rarely see our alagankulam jamaath being mentioned when these issueas are mentioned .

1.Where are we when the issues of Gaza and Palestine was hammered every day since the furqan war in 2009 till now

2.Where are we when our muslim brothers and sisters are massacred in Kashmir

3. Where are we now when Pakistan is experiencing the worst nightmare in centuries…

4. where are we when the issue of MURTAD was played around by the non-muslims

5 Where are we when the system of education in Malaysia is really undermining the real education system of Islam that shall be adhered by Muslims

6. Where are we when the whole world was BOYCOTTING Israel products and services to squeeze the Israel and America to stop the seige in Palestine….

7. Where are we when the munafiqs among muslims even in Malaysia and even among Indian Muslim community, are giving anti Hadith statements

Quoting a warning from Dr Yusof Al-Qardawi :

Shall we think that by saying kalimah,praying,giving zakat,fasting and performing Hajj shall promise us Jannah….until and unless we as muslims live and die as true muslims , Jannah is actually far way from us…” and the defination of true Muslims is vastly described in his explanation…among which is the fardhu ain and kifayah to address the problem of ummah mainly the aggression of the kaafiruuns and munaafiquuns towards the Muslim world….

What I am seeing now is that we are so complecent with our life that we rarely want to even think about these issues ….We are more interested to boost our image by posting ourself without fail in newspaper and media after every single deed we do for some one or community and subsequently potraying it in our website…..

We also think that by giving money to any fund for Palestine, kashmir , Acheh is the ultimate help we are giving to the struggle of these nations….

And we always think that the Presidents  deed is the deed of the Jamaath…….when actually the president should provide the Jamaath the roads and field for deeds and to cultivate the blessings of Allah swt in Yaumul Qiamah as a jamaath ……

Finally what I would suggest is that….

1. Our Jamaath shall play a bigger and larger role in addressing the issues pertaining the muslims around the world.

2 Our Jamaath shall work and plan strategies for the members of our community to be actively giving our opinion and views on issues like Anti-Hadith group, being involved in large scale humanatarian aid activities to needing regions, addressing Da’awah among non-muslims……so on and so forth.

My last word is that , this is jamaath….and we shall work as jamaath and must forego the Individivualism mentality and self appraisal mentality ….if we want to see our Alagankulam Jamaath in the world Map of Islam. Salam Ramadhan Kareem.


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